
Phalaenopsis Transcriptome

Phalaenopsis Transcriptome
Release Summary Display a statistical summary of Phalaenopsis Transcriptome releases
Sequence Reports, Search EST
Libraries Sequence Reports
TC Annotator List all TC Information, Annotation, Pathway, GoTerm and Gene network.
Search EST EST libraries by multiple keywords at the same time.
EST Annotator List all EST Information, Annotation, Pathway, GoTerm and Gene network.
Search EST libraries by multiple keywords at the same time.
Functional Annotation and Analysis
Gene Ontology Classification of TCs by GO vocabularies
Metabolic Pathways(Tree view)
Metabolic Pathways(List view)
Association of TCs with metabolic and signaling pathways
Gene Network Gene Network
Multiple Gene Network Analysis Multiple Gene Network Analysis
Sequence Similarity Search
BLAST Search TC sequences based on sequence similarity